Home > Products > BELTBRIDLE

このようにベルトがストリップ速度に同調して回転しながら、ベルト裏面で連続的に張力を発生するので、ストリップの 表面にスリキズなどを 発生させることなく巻取り張力が付与されます。
又、特殊ベルトは多条に分割されており、アイドルプーリによりそれぞれ個別に伸張されているので、多条にスリットされたストリップでも 均等な張力で巻取ることができます。又、発生張力は圧下シリンダの油圧を調節することにより、ストリップの材質や板厚に応じて適正なバックテンションが自由に調整が可能です。
(Patented worldwide)
This system is placed before the recoiling unit in the metal coil slitter-line. As there is a difference in friction coefficient for the outer and inner surfaces (outer surface μ> inner surfaceμ), specially composed endless belts are extended by the idle pulleys.
As the special endless belts adhere closely to the strips as they rotate, there is absolutely no scratching or marking on valuable coil surface.
As the special endless belts are separated into a number of bands, they keep the tension for all the strips uniform, then firm and tightly wound, so that beautiful edged coils are produced.
The total tension is adjusted by means of the downward pressure of the cylinder, BELTBRIDLE is just easy to use as the conventional tension pad device.
The endless belt are specially made of a flexible material so that they grip the strips pliably. The result is that there no damaging marks on high-grade metals, very thin materials, soft coated materials and even non-ferrous products.

Combination type
Omega type
Combination type
Combination type
Omega type
Omega type
Omega type
New type cooler